
Do you know the necessary changes Shrake made in the Meade Treasurer’s office?

In less than a year, Meade County Treasurer Robin Shrake has transformed this complex county office that is so much more than where to purchase vehicle license plates. It is a vital spoke in Meade County’s financial wheel. Being Treasurer is demanding. This office annually collects approximately $57 million of your local tax dollars and insures it flows through to 109 different Meade taxing entities. The treasurer also invests the county’s funds, and is part of the county’s financial checks and balance system.

Shrake was appointed treasurer by the Meade County Commissioners after they interviewed numerous applicants. Treasurer Susan Boadwine retired.

Shrake brought a broad range of professional and life experiences to the Treasurer’s Office. After graduating from Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, the Black Hills native taught elementary school in eastern Meade County. She was also chosen, from the amongst thousands of state educators, as “South Dakota’s Ag Teacher of the Year”.

Her next career move was designing and managing the popular KickStart Travel Center with her partner, Gary Lippold, who died of cancer in 2017. She organized multiple events at the Thunder Dome, managed hundreds of employees, ordered tens of thousands of goods and supervised its financial matters. She did this for two decades. In 2021, realizing the helm of KickStart was in good hands, Shrake chose to seek a new employment opportunity as Meade County Treasurer.

Although she’s short in stature she’s long on energy. Shrake was one of five founding members of the successful Sturgis Mustang Rally in 2014. This popular event continues to grow and attract enthusiasts from around the USA. This Labor Day Weekend tourism event is a major financial stimulus for businesses across the Black Hills and state.

Shrake brought countless new private business skills to the Treasurer’s Office. She fully implemented the unused county’s computer accounting software; applied the latest technical procedures; enabled electronic and online tax payments; installed check scanners and other electronic devices that had long been used in commercial settings. And, most importantly Shrake achieved accurate and timely financial reporting by using the accounting proficiencies she developed from her 20 years in the business world. These changes have resulted in more efficient staff time. Corrected office procedures resulted in balanced accounting data being available to other county offices, commissioners, and taxpayers.

In addition, she streamlined the number of banking accounts which results in a more accurate reflection of the county’s financial standing and implemented fraud prevention procedures. Under her supervision, the Treasurer’s website: now has concrete information. Residents now can easily access answers to questions related to licensing motor vehicles, taxes, deadlines and papers necessary to complete transactions. There is information as to how senior or disabled residents may qualify for a property tax freeze.

Shrake said, “With the tremendous growth we are seeing in Meade County, it is important that we’re no longer using outdated or inefficient accounting methods. What worked in the past, does not work in today’s world. Remember, it is your money that is being spent in the Treasurer’s Office.”